
Latihan Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Tema 5 dan Tema 6

Teman-teman kali ini kita akan belajar mengerjakan soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Tema 5 dan Tema 6. Soal terdiri dari pilihan ganda, isian, dan jawaban uraian. Soal ini kami dapatkan dari rekan kami Mr. Imron salah satu guru dari Bimbel Kelompok Belajarku. Seperti apa soal Bahas Inggrisnya, kita simak berikut ini.
I.     Choose the correct answer!
1.    Atan            : May I have a blue jacket?
Shopkepper : ……….
a.     Yes, I do  
b.    Yes, of course
c.     Yes, I am
d.    Yes, I does
2.    My mother wears …. because the weather is cold.
a.    jacket               d. t-shirt
b.    pajamas            c. swimsuit
3.    Abel wears red and white ….. when go to school.
a.    veil     
b.    shorts   
c.    dress
d.   uniform
4.    What name clothes in this picture?….
a.     shirt                 c. trousers
b.    tie                    d. swimsuit
5.    The women always wears dress. The underline word mean ….
a.     gaun   
b.    kemeja
c.     rok
d.    jas hujan
6.    Don’t forget wear .... for Kartini Day.
a.    blouse              c. watch
b.    jeans                d. kabaya
7.    What do you wear for going to the beach?
a.     dress                c. shots
b.    pajamas          d. jacket
8.    Dinar        : is that a ….?
Intan         : Yes, ….
a.     T-shirt, this is      c. Glove, that isn’t
b.    Raincoat, that is  d. Sweater, this isn’t
9.    What do you wear for sleeping?
a.     pajamas          
b.    shoes
c.     raincoat
d.    shorts
10.          …. he wears shoes for going to mountain?
a.    what                c. does
b.    do                    d. how

II.  Fill in the blank with the right answer!
1.    I wear .... because the weather is very hot.
2.    My father wears shirt when go to office. The underline word mean ….
3.    What does she bring in rainy day? ….        (payung)
4.    The student wears …. in their neck.
5.    Billy         :  .... do you wear for spot?
 Bagas       : I usually wear trainers 
6.    Shella       : what …. of your shoes?
Dinda       : 38 maybe.
7.    Akmal      : Do you wear … for school?
Edsel        : Yes, I do
8.    We wears shoes and … on our feet.
9.    What is the meaning of T-shirt? …
10.    Rearrange the word “o-l-g-e-v”! ….


III. Answer these questions below!
Hello, I am Alvin
I am eleven years old
I am a student of Elementary School
I always wear red and white uniform
on Monday to Thursday and wear
Scout uniform when Saturday
This is me on rainy day
I always put on a jacket in rainy day or
bring an umbrella
I don’t put on my shoes
I put on my slippers
I carry my shoes because I don’t want them to
get wet

(Text for no 1-5)

1.    Who is Alvin? .........................................................
2.    How old of Alvin? ………………………………..
3.    What he wear on Monday to Saturday?.................
4.    What does he bring at rainy day ?..........................
5.    Why he carry his shoes? ………………………….
6.    What he wear on Saturday?.................
7.    Translete into indonesian “I always wear red and white uniform on Monday to Thursday”!
8.    Translete into Indonesian “I always put on a jacket in rainy day or bring an umbrella”!

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